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Matrix.xla excel 2016 download

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Excel has functions for interpolate in tables of values, but considering all of them and making a regression. Function for linear interpolation or extrapolation in columns sorted in ascending sense (see the following picture), and in descendent, but single sense (monotonic) considering next ones (greater and smaller) to the value of the argument. Range_y: Range of 1 column with all y data (dependient variable). Range_x: Range of 1 column with all x data (independient variable). Unzip Interpolation.xla in Excel Library folder (Trusted location): C:\Program files\microsoft Office\OFFICE1n\Library C:\Program files(x86)\microsoft Office\OFFICE1n\Library Interpolation.xla Interpolation.chm Instructions Ivan Martinez Garcia: Universidad de Cantabria UC Escuela Téc nica Superior de Náutica High School of Nautical Studies Santander, March 2016ģ INTERPO INTERPO(X Range_x Range_y) X: Data for interpolation. Final second derivative of the last spline. Initial second derivative of the first spline. Double linear interpolation CERCHA CERCHAC CERCHACOEF CERCHAP CERCHAPI CERCHAPF CERCHACI CERCHACF CERCHARA CERCHARAXY CERCHACU CERCHACUR CERCHAREA CERCHAMX CERCHAMY CERCHAM2X CERCHAM2Y CERCHAP2 CERCHAXG CERCHAYG CERCHALON Cubic spline interpolation.

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Double linear nterpolation and extrapolation. 1 Interpolation Functions Excel Add-in Interpolation.xla release 1.09 March 3rd 2016 INTERPO INTERPO2 INTERPO2N Linear interpolation.

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